Donate a CSA share to a local household!
Please consider sharing the joy of fresh food and a farm experience with your tax-deductible donation to the Community Action Center of northfield.
We're thrilled to support the CAC's vision of "neighbors helping neighbors" by bringing more folks out to the farm…to connect with neighbors, enjoy the bounty of the U-pick fields, and choose their favorite fresh veggies to nourish their families!
We’re excited to grow this program more each year. Our 2025 goal: funding the equivalent of 28 full shares--10% of the farm's total membership.
To gift a tax-deductible CSA share, please donate directly to the Community Action Center by clicking THIS LINK; designate your donation as "Other" and specify "[#] CSA Share(s): Spring Wind Farm" (feel free to gift a half share [$542], 3/4 share [$754], full share [$966], or multiple shares). (Click here for a sample screenshot of this process).
Thank you for digging deeper into the possibilities of “community supported agriculture”!
“The challenges before us are monumental. We are not obligated to complete the task of repair, but we are required to act at the intersection of our capability and what the world needs.”